Applicant Progress Board

TREMS users, effective January 13, 2021, you have access to a new view of applications in TREMS. The new view is called the Applicant Progress Board (APB) and provides the same information as the Applicant …

HR as Leading Edge

Our Leading Edge is You. At the end of our first nine months of COVID, we can truly say that you, our HR Community, is the leading edge. You’ve moved mountains—again and again. Here, we …

HR Tech Tip: Unplug.

2020 has stretched us all to new limits. We’ve adjusted to vastly different ways of working. We’ve adapted to change—only to see those things change again! We’ve had to implement new policies and procedures—often without …

ATP Update

With 2020 coming to a close, the Administrative Transformation Program (ATP) shares some of its accomplishments, current projects, and upcoming efforts. Board of Regents Approval Following an extended Preplanning Phase, ATP received formal approval from …