University of Wisconsin–Madison

Conversations on Top-of-Mind HR Topics and how CUPA-HR Can Help

This interactive session will have participants discuss top topics in HR in 3 “lightning” rounds and share solutions. Then the conversation will turn to what resources CUPA-HR has to help in those areas. Participants will then here from the Wisconsin Chapter Leaders and how they use CUPA-HR in their work.

Learning Outcomes

  1. Learn from colleagues in the room alternative ways to address the hot topics we have identified.
  2. How to leverage the tools available on the CUPA-HR website
  3. Identify CUPA-HR contacts who can help them learn more about CUPA-HR

Download Presentation Materials

April 23, 2024
1:00 – 2:00 pm via Zoom

More HR Learning Series workshops events

About the Speakers

Connie Putland is a seasoned HR professional and is currently serving as the CHRO at UW Whitewater. She has been at Whitewater for 11 years. Prior to that she worked at the UW Madison-School of Medicine and Public Health in the HR Department in the Dean’s Office for 10 years. Connie currently serves on the CUPA-HR National Board of Directors as the Midwest Board Representative. She has served on the CUPA-HR Midwest Board since 2018, including as the Board Chair in 2021-2022. She served on the CUPA-HR Wisconsin Chapter Board from 2005 to 2018. Connie is proud to represent Higher Ed HR and is dedicated to bringing solutions to the current issues Higher ED HR Professionals face in their everyday work.

Heather Butterfield is an engaging and dedicated professional, currently serving as the Assistant Vice President for Human Resources at St. Norbert College. She earned her MBA at Viterbo University and her undergraduate degree in Communication Studies at the University of Wisconsin-La Crosse. She has been a part of the CUPA-HR organization for the past five years and currently serves as the Chair-elect for the CUPA-HR Midwest Region Board. Prior to that Heather Served on the Wisconsin Chapter Board including service as Chair. Through her work with CUPA-HR, she is committed to advancing the HR profession and helping others drive positive change within their organization.

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