University of Wisconsin–Madison

Employee Development

You will utilize resources to engage in career conversations, goal setting, and professional development planning, and gain awareness of the lifelong impact work has on your cognitive, emotional, and social well-being.

Engage in Career Growth

Who you are, where you would like to go, and how you are going to get there.

Career resources
Mentor programs
Career counseling

Career Advising

Initiate career conversations with your manager

The steps you need to prepare for a career conversation with your manager.

Choose a topic
Plan the meeting
Keep it positive

Members of the Wisconsin Association of Black Men (WABM), a UW-Madison student organization, along with students from the Chicago Urban Prep Academies, talk with community mentors during WABM's third annual forum at Ogg Hall at the University of Wisconsin-Madison.

Setting Career Goals

Visualize where you see yourself in the future and the skills you would like to grow.

Create a clear objective
Share ideas with your manager
Develop reasonable timelines
Ask for support/feedback

Create your professional development plan

Incorporate your conversations, self, and goals to complete a comprehensive plan.

Align with performance management goals
Select your training
Build on strengths
Stretch yourself

UW–Madison Employee Career Conference 2019

Career Counseling and Planning

The employee career counseling program provides guidance and counseling for employees as they set goals and make career and professional development plans. Counselors can help employees become aware of and gain access to campus resources.

Changes, Career, Growth, Future

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