University of Wisconsin–Madison

Working Better Together: Everything DiSC Workplace

Currently unavailable through virtual learning.

Course Description

Our work environments are made up of endless individual differences that inform how we interact with others; the many layers that shape our unique lived experience, priorities, needs, inclinations, and ultimately how we experience the world. One of those layers is our interpersonal preferences and motivations.

Everything DiSC Workplace is designed to provide you with one practical approach to gain greater awareness of your own—and others’— interpersonal tendencies and motivations to discover new and inclusive ways to connect, collaborate, and communicate with others.

Everything DiSC Workplace for Teams

If you are interested in bringing Working Better Together: Everything DiSC Workplace to your team, contact us for more information.

Why should you attend?

Everything DiSC Workplace is a simple, but not simplistic, validated assessment tool used by organizations and individuals around the world to:

  • Gain greater self-awareness of your interpersonal motivations and preferences
  • Build capacity to recognize the interpersonal motivations and preferences in others
  • Build individual capacity to stretch, adapt and effectively respond to varying styles
  • Learn how to leverage differing styles to create healthy, inclusive and engaging interactions and collaborations

Prior to the workshop, you will be invited to complete the online assessment tool to create greater awareness of your own DiSC style. Then, through a highly interactive learning experience, you will gain a deeper understanding of the varying interpersonal motivations and preferences that can strengthen understanding, trust and effectiveness across teams and partnerships.

Currently unavailable through virtual learning.


UW–Madison Faculty and Staff

Registration and Cost

  • $64.80 covers the cost of the online Everything DiSC Workplace assessment
  • Registration deadline for the workshop is 11 business days prior to scheduled workshop


Tamie Klumpyan, Learning and Talent Development, Office of Human Resources


Engagement, Inclusion, Diversity


This course is part of the Inclusion@UW program.

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