University of Wisconsin–Madison

Reframing Recruitment through a Racial Equity Lens

In this series of workshops, participants will engage in conversation around why and how to center racial equity in recruitment and hiring practices. Participants will learn new strategies to remove unintentional barriers and improve access for candidates by reframing current recruiting and hiring practices through a racial equity lens.

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Susan Tran Degrand

Tamie Klumpyan

Key Program Elements

  • Examine what it means to shift to a recruitment mindset.
  • Define racial equity as it relates to recruitment and hiring and the impact on applicants.
  • Be introduced to racial equity guiding principles as a framework to assess recruitment practices.
  • Learn and practice strategies to reframe recruitment and hiring practices to enhance equity and inclusion.
  • Leave with tools and resources to apply, adapt, and share within your department/unit.

The intention of this series is to provide broad tools and strategies, that can be adapted to meet specific school, college, division, or departmental needs.

Why should you attend?

  • Learn new strategies to reframe recruitment and hiring processes
  • Access templates, tools, and other resources to support future recruitments
  • Learn about strategies to apply racial equity guiding principles to enhance recruitment and hiring

Who should attend?

This workshop is intended for anyone who actively engages in the recruitment process, but primarily HR professionals and hiring managers.

“We honed in on how we tend to rush these things. We say we have a commitment to diversity in hiring practices, and the best way to not do that is to rush a hire.”
Bethany Pluymers, Associate Dean for Administration, Law School

“The training absolutely helped with better preparing the hiring leaders/interviewers. It also helped me as the recruiter ensure my departments were following processes that I can be proud of.”
Sheena Frydrych, Faculty Recruiter, School of Medicine and Public Health

For the best results, participate as a team

Recruitment is not the responsibility of one person—everyone within an organization plays a role. Recruitment and hiring are most successful when HR professionals, hiring managers and relevant stakeholders are collectively and collaboratively involved in the recruitment process.

We encourage each participating unit to send at least two individuals—perhaps one HR professional and one hiring manager. Throughout the series, team members will work together to apply new strategies to a specific recruitment and hiring scenario from their unit.

Here is what past attendees have said about the benefits of attending as partners:

“Attending with a partner was key. Brilliant. Those of us who are advising, it’s helpful to have people hear it from another source. My partner is responsible for lots of recruitments, so for us to have some of the same talking points is helpful.”
Bethany Pluymers, Associate Dean for Administration, Law School

“Attending with a partner was fantastic. The ability to have multiple people hear it and relay that back to other people was key.”
Heidi Updegrove, Business Specialist, Division of Enrollment Management

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