University of Wisconsin–Madison

UW-Madison Implements New Recruitment Tool

For the last year, the Talent Recruitment and Engagement team has been working on implementing a Talent Recruitment Engagement Management System (TREMS). It officially went live on October 10, 2016, but not without countless hours invested from the TRE team designing, testing, and training. They are not the only ones that deserve mention here, a big shout out goes to users across campus who have taken time to attend numerous courses and changed the way they do business.

For the past two months Christine, Erica, Lauren, Shelly, and Susan have trained over 300 people in a three-course series of classes with approximately another 100 people in the process of completing their TREMS trainings. The sessions have provided users training on how to create jobs and manage recruitments. This has not been an easy undertaking with a campus as robust as UW–Madison.

With the implementation of TREMS, comes a new look and feel to the Applicant Website. Applicants can now access the new website where they will find jobs postings, frequently asked questions, an applicant tutorial, and information about working for the University. Users across campus are already using the tool with over 241 jobs posted, 272 vacant positions, with 1,630 applications submitted.

The TRE team continues to support users and applicants across the campus through communications and resource development. Users recently received a Reminders and Announcement document via email, if you haven’t received it, contact your Division HR office. There are also other resources that have been added to the Talent Recruitment and Engagement website under the TRE Toolkit.

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