UW–Madison University Staff employees are not prohibited from accepting outside employment, provided that the outside employment does not interfere with their duties to the university.
UW System policy prohibits University Staff employees from accepting outside employment that causes a conflict of interest with their university employment. Guidelines for which activities may constitute a conflict of interest can be found in the policy document. Prohibited activities include using or attempting to use university property, or using the prestige or influence of their university position for financial gain or other benefits.
If a University Staff member is considering or is currently working an additional job outside the UW, they need to self-determine if the outside job duties are in conflict with their UW job duties. For example, if the employee has purchasing responsibility for the UW and the external job involves selling products to the UW, this could be a conflict that needs review. In these situations, employees should notify their supervisor and provide detailed information on the outside employment. The supervisor will consult with human resources and respond in writing, letting the employee know if they are able to proceed or continue with the outside employment.
This assessment of any outside employment that may present a conflict is required even if the employee is less than full-time or only works during part of the year.
University Staff employees who have questions about the policy should speak with their department or unit supervisors. If an employee has accepted outside employment and is not sure if they must take any action, they should discuss the details of the outside employment with their supervisor.
UW–Madison employees in other employment categories, including Faculty, Academic Staff, and Limited Term employees, are also subject to outside activity reporting requirements. Employees in these categories must file an annual Outside Activities Report annually, even if they have no outside activities to report. By contrast, University Staff must report any possible conflicts of interest to their supervisor in writing.