University of Wisconsin–Madison

Death of Spouse, Domestic Partner or Child


If your spouse, domestic partner, or child passes away, you should Contact HR immediately for information about how to remove the person from your benefits and apply for any death benefits available.

Eligibility Deadline

The completed application(s) must submitted within 30 days of the Date of Death. Applications are required for all benefits that are being updated/changed.

Beneficiary Designation

You should review and update your Beneficiary Designation(s) with each Qualifying Life Event.

Tax Withholding

Review and update your tax withholding exemptions, if necessary.

Accident Plan

You have 30 days from the date of death to remove your deceased spouse or child from your existing coverage.

State Group Health, Supplemental Delta Dental, and DeltaVision

Supplemental Delta Dental and DeltaVision

You have 30 days from the date of death to remove your deceased spouse or child from your existing coverage.

State Group Health

You have 30 days from the date of death to remove your deceased spouse or child from your existing coverage.

If you were covered by your deceased spouse’s health insurance, you may enroll (only family members that lost coverage) within 30 days of losing your comparable coverage due to your spouse’s death. Coverage is effective the date your other insurance terminates.

Life Insurance

State Group Life

If enrolled in Spouse/Dependent coverage:

Review and update your beneficiary designation, if necessary.

Individual & Family Group Life (I&F)

If enrolled in Spouse/Domestic Partner or Child coverage:

  • Notify your HR Contact to report the death. Securian will send you a claim form.
  • If your spouse or domestic partner passed away, you should submit an application to cancel Spouse/Domestic Partner coverage within 30 days of the death.
  • If your child passed away and you have no other children eligible for coverage, you should submit an application to cancel your Child coverage within 30 days of the death.

Review and update your beneficiary designation, if necessary.

Accidental Death & Dismemberment (AD&D)

If you carried Family coverage and the death of your spouse, domestic partner, or child was accidental, call the Zurich American Insurance Company at 1-866-841-4771 to report the death and request a claim form. Zurich must receive the claim form within 90 days of death.

If you have Family coverage, and you have no other eligible dependents, you should submit an application to change to Employee Only Coverage. The change to your coverage will be effective the first of the month following the date of death.

Review and update your beneficiary designation, if necessary.

Income Continuation Insurance (ICI)

This plan offers employee-only coverage and is not affected by the death of your spouse, domestic partner, or child.

Spending & Savings Accounts

Flexible Spending Accounts (FSA)

You may take the following actions within 30 days of the date of death:

  • Enroll in a Health Care and/or Dependent Day Care FSA
  • Increase, decrease, or cancel your Health Care and/or Dependent Day Care FSA election (if already enrolled).

You must submit a Change of Election form to your HR Contact to enroll in or change your election under one or both of the plans. If you enroll, coverage is effective on the first of the month on or following the event date.

Health Savings Account (HSA)

Review and update your beneficiary designation, if necessary.

Retirement Plans

Wisconsin Retirement System (WRS)

Review and update your beneficiary designation, if necessary.

UW 403(b) Supplemental Retirement Program (SRP) and Wisconsin Deferred Compensation (WDC)

You can enroll in or make changes at any time.

Review and update your beneficiary designation, if necessary.

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