University of Wisconsin–Madison

Gain of Other Coverage


If you or your dependents gain eligibility for coverage elsewhere (such as through a spouse’s plan or employment), you may have opportunities to make changes to the following plans with the UW System.

Eligibility Deadline

The completed application(s) must submitted within 30 days of the date you gain other coverage. Applications are required for all benefits that are being updated/changed.

Beneficiary Designation

You should review and update your Beneficiary Designation(s) with each Qualifying Life Event.

State Group Health, Supplemental Delta Dental and DeltaVision

Supplemental Delta Dental and DeltaVision

  • You may remove a dependent who has enrolled in coverage elsewhere
  • You may change from limited family or family coverage to single coverage if all of your dependent(s) have become eligible for and enrolled in coverage elsewhere
  • You may cancel your coverage if you have enrolled in coverage elsewhere (note: coverage will be cancelled for any dependents you currently cover as well)

Changes are effective the first of the month on or following receipt of the application.

NOTE: You will need to provide proof of enrollment in other coverage that displays the date coverage began such as a copy of an insurance ID card or enrollment acknowledgement.

State Group Health

  • You may remove a dependent who has enrolled in coverage elsewhere
  • You may change from family coverage to single coverage if all of your dependent(s) have become eligible for and enrolled in coverage elsewhere
  • You may cancel your coverage if you have enrolled in coverage elsewhere (note: coverage will be cancelled for any dependents you currently cover as well)

Changes are effective the first of the month on or following receipt of the application.

NOTE: You will need to provide proof of enrollment in other coverage that displays the date coverage began such as a copy of an insurance ID card or enrollment acknowledgement.

Spending & Savings Accounts

Flexible Spending Accounts (FSA)

Health Care FSA | Limited Purpose FSA (LPFSA)

  • You may decrease or stop your Health Care FSA or LPFSA contributions if your spouse or dependent gains eligibility and enrolls in his or her employer’s medical reimbursement plan.
  • You cannot enroll in or increase your Health Care FSA or LPFSA contributions.

Dependent Day Care FSA

  • You may enroll in or increase your Dependent Care FSA contributions to reflect the new eligibility of your dependent (if your spouse previously did not work)
  • You may decrease or stop your Dependent Day Care FSA contributions for dependent who is added to spouse’s plan

Changes are effective the first of the month on or following receipt of your Change of Election form.

Employees are required to re-enroll in these FSAs every year during the Annual Benefits Enrollment period to continue participation. Elections will not automatically continue into the next plan year.

Health Savings Account (HSA)

If currently enrolled in the HSA and are cancelling State Group Health Insurance (HDHP or Access HDHP plan):
Your enrollment in the HSA will end at the same time your health insurance coverage ends. Your HSA will remain open with the vendor and the funds in your account are yours to keep. However, you will no longer be able to make contributions to your HSA. If you currently receive an employer contribution to your HSA, these contributions will stop. Check with your tax advisor to see if you have exceeded the maximum HSA contribution limit for the year.

If removing dependents:
You can change your contribution amount at any time up to the annual maximum limit. The change will be effective as soon as administratively possible.

Retirement Plans

UW 403(b) Supplemental Retirement Program (SRP)

You can enroll in or make changes at any time.

Wisconsin Deferred Compensation (WDC)

You can enroll in or make changes at any time.

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