Schedule a Confidential Appointment
To schedule an appointment with the Employee Assistance Office, please contact us by phone or email. Appointments are available remotely or in-person. All appointments are private and confidential.
Phone: (608) 263-2987
Hours: 8:00 AM–4:30 PM (Monday–Friday)
Access to professional counselors is available to employees 24/7 from LifeMatters
Personal Counseling
Consider reaching out to the Employee Assistance Office when you need help with personal or work-related challenges.
The EAO provides employees with free and confidential telephone access to professional counselors in support of personal and work-related concerns 24/7.
Grief and Critical Incident Response
When employees experience traumatic workplace events, including death and loss, the EAO provides timely grief and critical incident response services.
Training and Presentations
Reach out to discuss with the Employee Assistance Office the ways in which your group could benefit from a training to address wellness, workplace communication, or other shared issues.
Management Consultation
Managers, supervisors, deans, and department chairs work with the Employee Assistance Office to define and address workplace issues.
Upcoming Webinars
Virtual webinars are offered by LifeMatters and the Employee Assistance Office to all UW–Madison employees at no cost.
Workplace Change
Tuesday, February 25, noon-1 p.m. via Zoom
Although change can happen quickly, our adaptation to it can be a slow process during which we go through many transitions. Participants will learn about:
- Understanding workplace change and its impact on people
- Becoming a positive influence on the change process
- Strategies to become more adaptable
This webinar is offered at no cost to all UW-Madison employees. Register online to receive the Zoom link.
Below are answers to some of the most common questions we receive at the EAO, as well as resources for managers, and information about our confidentiality policy. If your question isn’t answered, or you have additional questions, please don’t hesitate to contact us directly by phone at (608) 263-2987 or by e-mail at