University of Wisconsin–Madison

HR Communities of Practice on Campus

Our efforts to support communities of practice is just beginning. If you know of additional groups, or seek support in getting a CoP going, please contact the HR Communities of Practice Office!

Academic HR CoP

An ongoing learning community of HR professionals from across the academic departments and divisions on campus, committed to sharing knowledge about emerging ‘best practices’ in implementing the new HR Design human resources system, evaluating past practices/procedures, and partnering on related efforts/initiatives.

Contact: Julie Karpelenia and Kristen Seguin

Campus Supervisors Network

Campus Supervisors Network (CSN) strives to support our campus managers and supervisors in a welcome and safe environment, where ideas can be shared and connections can be made with other people at the university in similar roles facing similar challenges. CSN’s goal is to create a better network for supervisors to learn how to be more effective in their position of leadership and help them excel by removing barriers. CSN networking events are geared toward supervisors interested in collaborating with others and sharing information from their work areas, so others might be able to learn from positive experiences and avoid future issues. The committee strives to facilitate three sessions per calendar year, with subject matter being driven by feedback from past participants and trends on campus.

Contact: Rich Gassen

L&S Payroll CoP

The L&S Payroll CoP meets every other Friday at 1pm as an informal group where members can come to the meetings with various payroll or financial related questions. Between the members usually at least someone in the group has encountered a particular issue before and has a solution or at least a suggestion for resolving the problem. All L&S employees who work with UW financial and administrative systems are welcome to come to the meetings or join the email list. The CoP is also a valuable asset to inform each other about upcoming events. Since all of us are in different departments and many with different title, we can announce upcoming trainings and sessions that other’s may have missed.

Contact: ChoonYee Ho-Jonas

Onboarding CoP

The Onboarding CoP is for HR Professionals at UW–Madison to build community amongst those responsible for onboarding initiatives and programming; share best practices; resolve onboarding-related challenges using the collective wisdom of the group; and create space for innovation around onboarding practices.

Contact: Izabella Warner

Payroll and Benefits CoP

This is a newly formed CoP where payroll and benefits professionals across the UW–Madison campus are coming together to identify challenges, successes, and best practices in work that is performed. The groups domain will evolve over the next year as the group creates their rhythm and chooses the topics they would like to discuss. The group is currently meeting monthly for 90 minutes.

Contact: Tim Delaney, Barb Walters, and Sam Hudson

Recruitment CoP

The Recruitment CoP is intended to provide HR Professionals at UW–Madison who handle recruitment responsibilities an opportunity to share best practices, learn, provide feedback, network and collaboratively interact with campus peers. The CoP encourages communication, to foster an increased and renewed ability to recruit top talent to UW–Madison!

Contact: Caitlin Riechers, Gautam Jayanthi

Workforce Relations (WR) CoP

The WR CoP is for Divisional HR Representatives who handle Workforce Relations matters. The group’s goal is to create an intentional space for dialogue about workforce relations topics and policies whose implementation requires critical thinking beyond discrete workflows. The dialogue generated in the WR CoP informs the Workforce Relations Team in important ways, and makes it easier for those who handle workforce relations matters to effectively perform their roles.

Contact: Kelley Novak, Kathleen Smith, Megan Dzyuba

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