Thrive@UW–Madison courses are the beginning of a journey where individuals seek answers to: “What does it look like to be a thriving employee at UW–Madison?” Courses provide space for participants to see their role in creating a healthy, inclusive, and engaging work environment. Thrive participants look at situations from different perspectives as they develop skills to navigate times of change, actively listen to others, build trusting relationships, contribute to an inclusive work environment, and solve challenging problems. You as an individual can implement these skills in your current role to benefit yourself, your team, and your organization. Expect both self-reflection and interactive dialogue as we develop these skills together. Be prepared to take these skills back to your organization and contribute to creating a healthy, inclusive, and engaging work environment.
Why should you attend?
- Skills developed in Thrive prepare you to become the employee you truly want to be. Thrive facilitators will not tell you how to be a thriving employee. They will provide a framework for you to discover some answers, and possibly more questions.
- Success in your career is dependent on understanding who you are and how you come across to supervisors, customers, and peers in a variety of contexts. Thrive is a place to begin to see yourself clearly, and develop skills to form trusting relationships, communicate effectively, and navigate challenging work situations.
- Develop a fuller understanding of UW–Madison by meeting your colleagues across campus. In each course you will meet employees from other units from a wide variety of backgrounds.
Who should attend?
All UW–Madison Faculty and Staff seeking answers to “How can I thrive in my role at UW–Madison?”
Thrive@UW Courses
Learning & Talent Development
Office of Human Resources
What participants are saying
“I experienced these workshops as one of the greatest benefits of working within the UW System. The presentation was professional, engaging, diverse in those who attended, and authentic in what it had to offer. I look forward to attending more.”
Julie, Instructor, School of Social Work
“The Thrive series is an outstanding learning series that will benefit everyone that participates. The facilitators are excellent and the content is dynamite!”
Ernie, Manager, SMPH WI State Lab of Hygiene
“Thrive@UW allows you to do just that: Thrive. The skilled and knowledgeable facilitators will guide you through a range of interesting and thought-provoking activities to help you better understand yourself and your colleagues. Each component of Thrive@UW compliments and builds on what you already know and challenges you to question your assumptions as you work with people from across campus. It’s a life-changing course.”
Tim, Instructor, Department of English