On November 1, the university published a new salary structure for academic staff, university staff and limited appointees based on pay rates for similar positions in peer institutions. As a result of the Title and Total Compensation (TTC) Project, the university has a consistent title structure making it possible to create an interactive job library for all employees. The Title and Standard Job Description (SJD) Library has been updated to include salary ranges and titles for all jobs at UW–Madison. For the first time, employees can search the library and filter jobs by the job group, subgroup, salary, employee category or title.
Academic staff, university staff and limited appointees should have received a letter from their human resources professional by November 1. The letter confirms their updated title and salary range. If an employee’s current salary is below their new salary range, they will receive a pay increase effective November 7, 2021 to the minimum of their new salary range. For all other employees, base pay will not change. New salary ranges and updated titles become effective on November 7, 2021.
For more information about the new salary structure visit hr.wisc.edu/pay/salary-structure.