University of Wisconsin–Madison

Formal Option (resolution through disciplinary process)

A report of HIB may be brought to a chair, dean, or director so it can be addressed through the formal process if:

  • all appropriate steps were taken in the interpersonal and administrative options and the behavior did not stop
  • the reporter does not believe the administrative steps successfully stopped the behavior

Description of the formal process is based on employee status. When the person accused of HIB is:

Reporters are encouraged to contact the secretaries of the appropriate governance group, school/college HR, and Office of Workforce Relations for guidance.

During a formal investigation of HIB, investigators may use results of fact-finding inquiries done during the administrative process. Written fact-finding reports must be redacted before they are used in the formal process to protect the confidentiality of people consulted and whose names or other identifying information may appear in the report.

Reporters of HIB who decide to move to the formal (disciplinary) process can read their rights and responsibilities in FPP, ASPP, and University Staff policies on HIB.

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