The Title and Total Compensation (TTC) Project has resources to help managers prepare for having an employee conversation. The TTC Project anticipates implementing in 2021. Providing managers with these resources answers questions, gives managers more time to prepare, helps to set expectations, and builds management skills. Below is an overview of resources you can share with your area to help managers prepare for employee conversations.
The goal of the employee conversation is to confirm that the work an employee performs is accurately described by the new title and position description. In the employee conversation, managers (or in some instances HR) will talk with employees about their new official job title. This title will be based on a title from the Title and Standard Job Description Library.
- Virtual Conversation Fact Sheet – Many employees have transitioned to working remotely. This fact sheet provides details on how to hold an effective virtual conversation.
- Manager Resource Packet – This packet helps managers understand the employee conversation process. It also helps managers understand what their role is. The packet includes checklists, email communication templates and more.
- Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) – The FAQ helps managers prepare for questions employees may ask them during the employee conversation.
- Online Manager Training – This training provides managers with an overview of the project and reviews the job title process including how to confirm employee’s new titles, how to create a position description, how to engage employees and more.
Additional manager resources are also available to managers on the TTC Project website in the Resource Library at