University of Wisconsin–Madison


Well-being is an optimal and dynamic state that fosters equity, justice, and safety, in addition to individual and community health. This includes three interdependent types of well-being: 1) individual, 2) interpersonal, and 3) community.

“We’re constantly unearthing clues and evidence about how well-being manifests itself in the mind and body. It’s not a static “thing” — it’s a set of skills that can be learned and cultivated over time, just like learning to play a musical instrument or riding a bike.”Center for Healthy Minds

Individual well-being

Individual well-being is framed by three broad, interconnected categories: (a) individual goals and aspirations, (b) individual human rights and needs being equitably met, and (c) individual contribution to and relationship with the community.

Interpersonal well-being

Interpersonal well-being refers to healthy relationships between oneself and others to create positive networks, support systems and communities.


Community well-being

Community well-being is framed by a shared, interconnected understanding of who we are as humans, our relationships with each other, and the spaces and communities with which we engage. Well-being is a holistic and multidimensional journey. It is a shared responsibility of the entire institution. (Adapted from NIRSA/NASPA/ACHA Interassociation)


“Well-being is not a burden or a luxury, it is an individual and collective need.”Jessica Horn

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