Members of the University of Wisconsin’s human resources, finance, IT, and research administration communities came from near and far to participate in two weeks of enterprise resource planning (ERP) software demonstrations, hosted by the Administrative …
HR@UW Blog
2019 HR Business Partner Awards Announcement
At our 4th annual HR@UW Conference on December 3, Chief Human Resources Officer Mark Walters announced the nominees and winners of the 2019 HR Business Partner Awards. As in prior years, the HR community—as well …
Update Tax Sheltered Annuity Contributions Online
The Tax Sheltered Annuity (TSA) 403(b) program is a supplemental retirement savings plan available to most employees, including Student Help employees and Rehired Annuitants. Through this program, employees can invest on a pre-tax basis, an …
2019 HR “Year in Review“
2019 brought many changes and initiatives. A lot has been asked of the HR community. Through all of it, you have stepped up and demonstrated your abilities to work in consultative partnership with HR’s customers …
Title and Standard Job Description (SJD) Library Launched
The Title & Standard Job Description (SJD) Library is now available on the TTC Project website. The library contains proposed standardized job titles and job descriptions for Academic Staff, University Staff, and Limited Appointees. The …
2019 YWCA Racial Justice Summit: Transforming Our Future
Each year, YWCA Madison hosts a Racial Justice Summit that brings together people and organizations committed to learning about institutional racism as well as to build an ongoing practice of racial justice. (See YWCA website.) …
Patrick Sheehan’s Career Journey to the Administrative Transformation Program
In the role of HR Core Team Lead on the Administrative Transformation Program (ATP), Patrick is responsible for leading the HR Core and Design Teams, which are tasked with developing recommendations for revised business processes, …
Reporting Tip—Finding Supervisor/Manager Data in Reporting Tools
Tableau: Finding Supervisor/Reports To Data HR Professionals have HRS data available to them from several reporting tools. With the increasing need for accurate information on individuals who supervise employees, there are new reports available to …
Happy Birthday, TREMS!
On October 10, the Talent Recruitment and Engagement Management System (TREMS) turned three years old. In that time: 8,541 Jobs Posted 230,048 Applications Submitted 7,891 Offers Accepted 93.5% Applicant Satisfaction Rating The Talent Recruitment and …
University of Michigan’s HR Strategist Dyan Jenkins-Ali: 2019 HR@UW Conference Keynote
UW–Madison’s Office of Human Resources (OHR) and University of Michigan University Human Resources (UHR) continue to partner—following OHR’s July visit to the Michigan campus. HR CoP director Lynn Freeman invited Michigan HR Strategist Dyan Jenkins-Ali …