University of Wisconsin–Madison

Frequently Asked Questions

Below are answers to some of the most common questions we receive at the EAO, as well as resources for managers, and information about our confidentiality policy. If your question isn’t answered, or you have additional questions, please don’t hesitate to contact us directly by phone at (608) 263-2987 or by e-mail at

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How can I access mental health care through insurance?

We’ve collected contact information from some of the most common insurance options used by UW employees. If you need support in accessing a mental health care referral, you are welcome to contact the EAO for guidance.

  • Dean: A referral from your primary care physician (PCP) is needed to see one of Dean’s behavioral health providers. Behavioral health providers include social workers, therapists, counselors, and psychiatry. Once the referral is placed, call 608-252-8000 to schedule an appointment.
  • GHC: You can learn more about GHC’s behavioral health services, including their prior approval process, on the Group Health Cooperative website.
  • Quartz: To access mental, behavioral health, or substance abuse services, call Quartz’s Behavioral Health Care Management at (800) 683-2300.

I work at UW Health. Can I use employee assistance?

UW Health employees with a dual appointment to the UW‒Madison School of Medicine and Public Health may access up to five sessions with LifeMatters and the EAO.

UW Health employees, fellows, and residents may access up to ten sessions with SupportLinc.

I’m a graduate student. Can I use employee assistance?

Graduate students who are employed by UW Madison (e.g., RA, TA, PA) are eligible for employee assistance services through the Employee Assistance Office. You may also access mental health services through University Health Services (UHS). Connect with a UHS provider by calling 608-265-5600 (option 2) or by logging in to MyUHS.

What other campus resources are available to me?

Here are some campus resources you may find useful. This is not an exhaustive list of all resources available to campus.

  • Cultural Linguistic Services (CLS)
    Provides interpretation and translation services in Spanish, Hmong, Tibetan, Chinese, and Nepali. CLS also offers workplace learning, Plain Language training, and inclusive communication training. The EAO works with CLS interpreters to provide counseling to our linguistically diverse campus community.
  • Employee Disability Resource (EDR) office
    Information, consultation, education, and referral services to employees to help minimize barriers in the workplace.
  • Office of Workforce Relations
    Serves the University community by promoting mutual respect, encouraging a positive work environment, and assisting in resolving workplace issues through proactive intervention.
  • Hostile and Intimidating Behavior
    Hostile and intimidating behavior (HIB) is prohibited by university policy. This website provides campus resources, information on preventing and addressing HIB, training opportunities, and more.
  • Office of Compliance
    The Office of Compliance promotes ethical conduct and compliance with applicable laws, regulations and policies at UW-Madison.
  • Ombuds
    A confidential place to collaboratively explore complaints, clarify issues, and consider options and resources to address faculty and staff concerns. You can contact them at or by calling 608-265-9992. If you need help deciding whether to consult the Ombuds Office or the EAO, refer to “Distinguishing the Services of the Employee Assistance Office and the Ombuds Office.”
  • Employee Career Counseling
    Services are available at no cost to help UW‒Madison employees manage their careers and develop action plans to achieve their goals.

How do I decide whether to contact the Employee Assistance Office or the Ombuds Office?

UW‒Madison provides the Ombuds Office and Employee Assistance Office as complementary resources to support employees in managing challenges and conflicts in the workplace. If you need help deciding which resource to use, refer to Distinguishing the Services of the Employee Assistance Office and the Ombuds Office.

What is the difference between facilitation and mediation as ways to resolve conflicts, and where can I find help with facilitation or mediation on campus?

Learn more about the differences between facilitation and mediation and additional campus resources for resolving conflicts by reading our guide to facilitation and mediation.

I have questions about payroll, benefits, or retirement? Where can I find more information?

We are always happy to provide support in navigating campus HR processes if you need help. However, our team is not able to provide specific information about topics such as benefits, pay, or retirement. We encourage you to visit the Human Resources website or contact the human resources office in your school, college, or division.

Additional Resources


EAO and LifeMatters informational brochures are available in English, Spanish, Hmong, Tibetan,  Chinese, and Nepali. Please email to request copies.


The EAO News for Managers newsletter provides user-friendly advice on dealing with a variety of workplace issues and working effectively with your Employee Assistance Office.

Confidentiality Policy

Your contact with the Employee Assistance Office (EAO) is confidential within limits as governed by Federal and State regulations. This means that what you discuss with the EAO consultant will be kept confidential and will not be released without your authorization.

However, there are some exceptions. Information related to the following areas may be released, without your authorization, to appropriate persons, e.g. a dean, department chair, principal investigator, director, manager or supervisor, a crisis intervention worker, or a law enforcement officer:

  • An unexplained, unusual, or suspicious death
  • An abused or neglected child or elder
  • A threat to one’s own life or another’s

In addition to these three areas, information may also be released pursuant to a court order, or, under most circumstances, in response to a subpoena in a legal proceeding.

If you have any questions about this confidentiality policy, please raise them with the EAO consultant at the beginning of your meeting.

How to schedule an appointment

To schedule an appointment with the Employee Assistance Office, please contact us by phone or email. Appointments are available remotely or in-person. All appointments are private and confidential.

Phone: (608) 263-2987
Hours: 8:00 AM–4:30 PM (Monday–Friday)

Access to professional counselors is available to employees 24/7 from LifeMatters

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