University of Wisconsin–Madison

Title and Standard Job Description Library

This library has titles, salaries, and information for all jobs at UW–Madison.

Academic Staff, University Staff, and Limited Appointee Titles

Standard job descriptions are only available for academic staff, university staff, and limited appointee titles. These titles and salaries are matched to the market.

A standard job description describes work at a high level and connects university jobs to similar jobs in the market. It reflects a general set of job responsibilities without regard to any specific employee. It describes the work, role, and organizational impact. A position description is unique to an individual employee. 

If you need a copy of your position description, contact your local human resources professional.



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Results: 1

Plant Disease Specialist

Job Group: Facilities and Capital Planning
Job Subgroup: Agricultural Operations
Salary Range (Annual): 18: $44,543-82,851
Employee Category: Academic Staff
Job Code: FP081
  • Job Summary:
    Ensures that soil-borne pathogens of concern, such as potato cyst nematode, are not present on the state farm or on commercial seed potato farms. Ensures that the varieties produced are below tolerance limits for common potato diseases through a process of inspecting, certifying, and tagging all certified seed potatoes in accordance with mandates.
  • Job Responsibilities:
    • Monitors a soil sampling program
    • Inspects seed potato acreage for commercial growers to ascertain varietal purity and incidence of disease
    • Produces foundation seed potatoes at related facilities and grounds
    • Provides information to growers concerning crop management, potato varieties, varietal problems, plant diseases, and insect problems
    • Responds to requests for general agricultural information from farmers and the general public with regard to equipment, cultural practices, and pesticides used for seed potato production
  • Education:
    Bachelor's Degree Preferred Minimum
  • FLSA Status:
  • Institution Job:
  • Required Supervisory Duty of at Least 2.0 Full-Time Equivalent (FTE) Employees:
  • Employee Category:
    Academic Staff
  • Scaled Job:
  • Salary Range (Annual):
    18: $44,543-82,851
  • Job Code:
    FP081: Plant Disease Specialist

Knowledges and Skills Learning Resources

Each standard job description is linked to a list of knowledges and skills. Knowledges and skills are optional resources to support employee learning and development. Visit the Knowledges and Skills Learning Resources website to learn more.

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